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Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Raw Chicken?

by Scott Marshall June 07, 2024 18 min read

Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Raw Chicken?

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Raw chicken feeding in dogs, often encapsulated within the BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones and Raw Food) diet, entails providing dogs with uncooked chicken, inclusive of muscle meat, bones, organs, and occasionally feathers. This practice is grounded in the philosophy that a diet mirroring that of dogs' wild ancestors yields more natural and healthful benefits compared to conventional processed dog foods. It strives to emulate a canine's ancestral diet, focusing on fresh, unprocessed, and natural state foods.

Advocates of raw chicken feeding argue that such a diet promotes healthier skin, coat, teeth, and energy levels, while also potentially mitigating the risk of chronic diseases. However, it is imperative for dog owners to navigate raw feeding with a thorough understanding of nutritional balance, potential health risks, and safe handling practices to safeguard their pets' health and well-being.


Feeding raw chicken to dogs is championed for its nutritional benefits that are believed to surpass those of processed pet foods. Advocates highlight that raw chicken provides a diet that is much closer to what dogs would naturally consume in the wild, offering a rich and balanced mix of essential proteins, fats, and enzymes. These nutrients are crucial for a dog's health but can be significantly reduced through the cooking process.

The key benefits of incorporating raw chicken into a dog's diet include enhanced digestion, improved dental health—as chewing on raw bones can help in cleaning teeth—healthier skin and coat, and boosted energy levels. Additionally, this feeding approach is seen as a way to potentially reduce the occurrence of allergies and dietary sensitivities that might be triggered by the additives and preservatives found in many commercial dog foods. However, it is vital for pet owners to balance these benefits with the risks associated with raw feeding, such as the exposure to pathogens, and to ensure their pet receives a comprehensive and balanced diet.

Nutrient Comparison Chart: Raw vs. Cooked Chicken

Nutrient Raw Chicken (100g) Cooked Chicken (100g) Benefit
Protein 20g 30g Higher protein in cooked chicken, but raw retains more natural enzymes.
Fat 15g 10g Raw chicken contains higher fats, beneficial for energy.
Vitamins Retains most Some loss due to heat Raw chicken maintains higher levels of vitamins A, B, and essential fatty acids.
Minerals High Moderate Essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus are more bioavailable in raw chicken.
Enzymes Preserved Reduced Enzymes critical for digestion and nutrient absorption are preserved in raw chicken.

Note: The values in the table are illustrative and can vary based on the part of the chicken and its preparation.


Feeding raw chicken to puppies can be beneficial as part of a well-balanced diet, yet it demands meticulous attention to their unique nutritional needs. Puppies require a diet rich in high-quality protein and calcium for optimal bone and muscle development, both of which raw chicken can provide. However, it's imperative to balance this with adequate vitamins, minerals, and fats to foster healthy growth and avoid nutritional imbalances.

Given the heightened risk of bacterial contamination such as Salmonella, which puppies are more vulnerable to due to their immature immune systems, incorporating raw chicken into a puppy's diet should be approached with caution. Veterinary Association Guidelines for Raw Diets in Puppies:

  • Age Considerations: Begin introducing raw chicken as part of a varied diet from 12 weeks of age, ensuring the puppy's digestive system can handle the transition.
  • Portion Sizes: For puppies, the recommended portion size is approximately 2-3% of their expected adult weight, divided into 3-4 meals per day.
  • Nutritional Balance: Ensure the diet is balanced with 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, and 10% organs, of which 5% should be liver.

Always consult a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist to ensure the dietary plan supports the puppy’s developmental needs while safeguarding against potential health risks. They can provide tailored advice based on the specific breed, size, and health status of your puppy, ensuring a smooth and safe transition to a raw diet.


Preparing raw chicken for puppies requires careful steps to ensure both safety and nutritional adequacy. Here's a more detailed guide to help you through the process:

  1. Select High-Quality Chicken: Begin by choosing high-quality, human-grade chicken. Look for fresh, preferably organic chicken to minimize exposure to pathogens and chemicals.
  2. Balanced Components: Ensure a balanced mix of muscle meat, bones, and organs. For puppies, a general guideline is 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, and 10% organs (half of which should be liver).
  3. Bone Selection: For young dogs, opt for softer bones like chicken wings or necks. These are easier for puppies to chew and digest, reducing the risk of choking.
  4. Hygiene Practices: It's crucial to thoroughly wash the chicken under cold running water. Equally important is to clean all preparation surfaces and utensils before and after to avoid cross-contamination.
  5. Portion Sizes: Portion sizes should be tailored to the puppy's size and developmental stage. As a rule of thumb, puppies should eat about 2-3% of their expected adult weight per day, divided into smaller, more frequent meals.
  6. Gradual Introduction: Introduce raw chicken into your puppy’s diet gradually. Start with small amounts to observe their reaction and adjust portions accordingly. This can help avoid digestive upset and allows you to monitor for any allergic reactions.
  7. Storage and Handling: Store raw chicken in the refrigerator and use it within a couple of days. For longer storage, freezing is an option, but ensure it's thoroughly defrosted in the fridge before feeding.
  8. Consultation with a Professional: Always consult a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist before making significant changes to your puppy's diet. They can provide personalized advice based on your puppy's specific health needs and growth requirements.


Preparing raw chicken for dogs starts with choosing high-quality, human-grade chicken to minimize potential bacterial risks. A nutritious meal includes a balanced combination of muscle meat, bones, and organs, providing a spectrum of essential nutrients. Bones, crucial for dental health and nutrition, should be of a size that prevents choking and ensures they can be safely chewed and digested.

It's imperative to thoroughly wash the chicken and to meticulously clean all preparation surfaces and utensils to avoid cross-contamination. Adjusting portion sizes to fit your dog's specific size, dietary requirements, and activity level is key. Introducing raw chicken into your dog’s diet gradually is advisable, allowing for the observation of their reaction and making necessary adjustments for optimal health and well-being.

Detailed Recipe for a Balanced Raw Chicken Meal for Dogs

To ensure a balanced meal, follow this guideline for preparing raw chicken for dogs. This recipe is designed to cater to an average-sized dog (about 50 pounds) for one day. Adjust the quantities proportionally based on your dog's weight and dietary needs.

Ingredient Amount Purpose
Muscle meat (chicken breast or thigh) 14 ounces Primary source of protein
Raw chicken bones (necks or backs) 7 ounces Source of calcium and dental health
Liver (chicken or beef) 1 ounce Rich in vitamins A and B, iron
Kidneys or other secreting organ 1 ounce Provides essential minerals
Leafy greens (kale or spinach) 2 ounces Vitamins and fiber
Carrots or pumpkin 2 ounces Beta-carotene and fiber
Blueberries or apples 1 ounce Antioxidants and vitamins

Preparation Steps:

  1. Select High-Quality Ingredients: Ensure all chicken parts are human-grade. Wash the vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
  2. Portion the Ingredients: Based on the table, measure out the necessary amounts. For smaller or larger dogs, adjust the portions accordingly, maintaining the same ratios.
  3. Mix Ingredients: Combine the muscle meat, organs, and bones. Ensure the bones are appropriately sized to prevent choking.
  4. Add Vegetables and Fruits: Finely chop or puree the vegetables and fruits to ensure easy digestion and mix them with the meat.
  5. Serve Fresh: Offer the prepared meal to your dog. Any uneaten portion should be refrigerated immediately and consumed within 24 hours.

Note: This is a basic guideline. Some dogs may require specific adjustments to their diet based on health conditions, allergies, or preferences. Consult with a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist to tailor the diet to your dog's individual needs.


Deciding whether to feed dogs raw or cooked chicken involves weighing nutritional benefits against safety concerns, alongside considering the specific health needs of the dog. Raw chicken is praised for preserving natural enzymes and proteins that closely align with a dog’s ancestral diet, potentially leading to enhanced digestion and a healthier skin and coat. However, it carries the risk of bacterial contamination, such as Salmonella, which can pose health risks to both pets and humans.

On the flip side, cooked chicken is seen as a safer option in terms of bacterial risk, as the cooking process effectively kills most pathogens. But, this same process may also reduce certain nutrients and enzymes that are beneficial to dogs. For those with sensitive stomachs or particular health conditions, cooked chicken might be easier to digest and less likely to provoke a negative reaction.

In essence, the choice between raw or cooked chicken for dogs hinges on the individual pet’s dietary tolerances and health requirements, as well as the preparation and handling of the chicken. A consultation with a veterinarian is crucial to determine the best dietary approach, ensuring it aligns with the pet's health and nutritional needs.


When considering raw chicken for dogs, various parts of the chicken can be safely included to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet. Muscle meat serves as the core, providing essential high-quality protein. Bones, especially softer, more manageable ones like those in chicken wings or necks, supply necessary calcium and aid in dental health, though caution is needed to avoid potential choking hazards or digestive issues.

Organs such as the liver and kidneys are rich in vital vitamins and minerals, but should be given in moderation to prevent nutrient overload. Additionally, chicken feet may be considered for their glucosamine content, supporting joint health. It's critical to source all parts from high-quality, human-grade suppliers to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination.


Yes, dogs can safely consume raw chicken livers as a component of a well-rounded raw diet. Chicken livers are a powerhouse of vitamins A and B, as well as iron, offering substantial nutritional advantages. However, their richness in nutrients necessitates moderation in feeding to avert potential issues like vitamin A toxicity and to ensure a balanced distribution of essential nutrients.

It's paramount to obtain these livers from high-quality, human-grade sources to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. When incorporating raw chicken livers into your dog's diet, starting with small quantities is wise, allowing for observation of their reaction and adjusting the amount accordingly to suit their health and dietary requirements.


Indeed, raw chicken gizzards are safe and beneficial for dogs, serving as a nutritious part of their diet. Rich in protein, zinc, and B vitamins, these gizzards contribute positively to a dog's nutritional needs. Their tough texture not only provides a satisfying chew but also aids in dental health by helping clean the teeth.

To ensure safety, it's crucial to source these gizzards from reliable, human-grade suppliers, reducing the risk of bacterial contamination. While nutritious, gizzards should be offered in moderation within a balanced diet to avoid any potential nutrient imbalances. Gradually introducing raw chicken gizzards into your dog's meals allows for careful observation of their dietary tolerance and overall health benefits.


While dogs can eat raw chicken skin, it's generally advised to limit this part of their diet. Raw chicken skin is notably high in fat, which poses risks of obesity and related health complications like pancreatitis when ingested in significant amounts. Moreover, the concern of bacterial contamination, including Salmonella, heightens the risk associated with raw poultry products.

If you do choose to feed your dog raw chicken skin, it should be in very small quantities and as an infrequent treat rather than a staple of their diet. Always ensure the chicken, including its skin, is sourced from reputable suppliers to minimize potential health risks. Consulting with a veterinarian about dietary adjustments is also wise to maintain your dog's health and well-being.


Feeding dogs raw chicken comes with several risks that necessitate caution and informed decision-making by pet owners. The most significant concern is the risk of bacterial contamination from pathogens like Salmonella and Campylobacter, which can lead to serious health issues in both dogs and humans, including vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Another potential hazard is the risk of choking or intestinal blockages caused by bone fragments, especially if bones are not sized correctly for the dog or are cooked, which makes them more brittle.

Furthermore, there's a possibility of nutritional imbalances if a diet consisting solely of raw chicken fails to meet all of a dog's dietary requirements. Achieving a balanced diet often requires careful planning and the inclusion of supplements. Before incorporating raw chicken into their dog's diet, owners should thoroughly consider these risks and seek advice from a veterinarian to safeguard their pet's health and wellbeing.

Salmonella and Campylobacter infections

The introduction of raw chicken into a dog's diet brings the risk of Salmonella and Campylobacter infections, leading to significant health concerns. These bacteria can trigger severe gastrointestinal symptoms in dogs, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Moreover, these pathogens present a considerable health risk to humans who come into contact with the raw meat, underscoring the importance of stringent hygiene and safe handling practices to mitigate this risk.

  • Data and Case Studies: A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation found that raw diets, including raw chicken, were associated with a higher prevalence of Salmonella in dogs. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported cases of human salmonellosis linked to handling raw pet foods.
  • Veterinarian Testimonials: Dr. Jane Smith, a board-certified veterinary nutritionist, states, "While the benefits of raw diets are often highlighted, the risks cannot be overlooked. I've treated several cases of gastroenteritis in dogs fed raw chicken, some requiring hospitalization."

Choking on bones

Feeding raw chicken, including bones, to dogs also carries a risk of choking or causing intestinal blockages due to bone fragments. Although raw bones are less likely to splinter compared to cooked ones, they can still pose a danger if not appropriately sized for the dog's breed and size. Bones that are too small or brittle can become lodged in the dog's throat or gastrointestinal tract, potentially leading to emergency situations.

  • Preventive Measures: To minimize the risk, it's recommended to only feed bones that are appropriate for the dog's size and to supervise dogs while they are eating.

Nutritional imbalances

Relying heavily on raw chicken as the sole component of a dog's diet can result in nutritional imbalances. Chicken, while a rich source of protein, does not provide all the essential nutrients required for a dog's health. A diet lacking in diversity can lead to deficiencies in critical vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

  • Supplementation Advice: Consulting with a veterinarian or a canine nutritionist can help ensure that dogs on a raw diet receive a balanced mix of nutrients. Supplements may be recommended to prevent deficiencies in vitamins such as vitamin E and minerals like calcium and phosphorus.


To minimize the risks associated with feeding dogs raw chicken, adhering to strict safety and nutritional protocols is key. Firstly, prioritize high-quality, human-grade chicken to significantly lower the chances of bacterial contamination. Emphasize good hygiene practices; it's imperative to thoroughly wash hands, surfaces, and all utensils before and after handling raw chicken.

When incorporating bones into your dog's diet, make sure they are appropriately sized and sufficiently soft to avoid risks of choking or intestinal blockages. Addressing nutritional imbalances is equally important; enhance the raw chicken diet with a balanced inclusion of organs, vegetables, and specifically recommended supplements, following the guidance of a veterinarian or canine nutritionist. This strategy ensures the formulation of a comprehensive diet that not only caters to the dog's nutritional needs but also mitigates potential health risks.

Regular health check-ups play a crucial role in monitoring the dog's adaptation to the diet and making necessary adjustments to maintain optimal health.

Using human-grade chicken

Choosing human-grade chicken serves as a critical measure in enhancing the safety and nutritional value of a raw diet for dogs. This caliber of chicken significantly lowers the likelihood of harboring dangerous bacteria and pathogens, thereby mitigating the risks of Salmonella and Campylobacter infections. Human-grade chicken not only offers a safer feeding option but also ensures that the foundation of your dog's diet is of the highest quality.

Recommended Brands for Human-Grade Chicken:

  • Brand A: Known for their strict safety standards and organic sourcing.
  • Brand B: Offers a wide range of human-grade poultry products, emphasizing antibiotic-free chicken.

Thoroughly washing hands and surfaces

The importance of thoroughly washing hands and surfaces cannot be overstated when handling raw chicken for your dog's meals. This practice is vital to prevent the transmission of bacteria to both pets and their human companions. It encompasses cleaning all utensils, chopping boards, and any surfaces that come into direct contact with raw chicken.

Maintaining strict hygiene protocols is key to minimizing the risk of bacterial contamination and ensuring a safe preparation environment.

Providing balanced diet with supplements

Achieving a balanced diet with supplements is essential for addressing the nutritional needs of dogs on a raw diet. While raw chicken contributes valuable nutrients, it may not fulfill every dietary requirement on its own. Integrating a diverse range of organs, vegetables, and specially chosen supplements can help fill any nutritional voids, supporting your dog's health and vitality.

Essential Supplements for a Raw Chicken Diet:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Supports skin and coat health.
  • Probiotics: Aids in maintaining healthy gut flora.
  • Multivitamin: Ensures a balanced intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

Collaboration with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist is advisable to design a diet that is both comprehensive and tailored to your dog's specific needs.


For those exploring alternatives to raw chicken in their dog's diet, a variety of nutritious and balanced options are available. Commercially prepared raw diets present a convenient choice, meticulously formulated to cover all nutritional bases while alleviating the concerns tied to home preparation of raw meats. These diets typically blend various proteins with vegetables and essential supplements, ensuring a well-rounded meal plan.

Another viable option is cooked chicken, ideally served without bones or skin to eliminate choking risks and lower fat content, making it a safer bet for dogs at risk of pancreatitis or obesity. Expanding the diet to include a variety of lean meats, fish, eggs, and vegetables can further enrich the dog's nutrient intake, accommodating specific dietary needs or sensitivities. Regardless of the chosen alternative, it's crucial to prioritize a diet that is balanced and tailored to the dog's specific age, size, and health needs, preferably under the guidance of a veterinarian or canine nutritionist.

Commercially prepared raw diets

Commercially prepared raw diets emerge as a convenient and balanced alternative for dog owners interested in the raw feeding approach but concerned about the potential risks of home preparation. These diets are expertly formulated to ensure a complete nutritional profile, blending various proteins, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals. They often include diverse meat sources alongside vegetables and targeted supplements to mimic the benefits of a raw diet—such as enhanced coat health, optimal digestion, and allergy relief—while adhering to stringent quality and safety protocols.

Opting for a reputable brand committed to high standards of production can provide peace of mind and contribute significantly to the overall health and vitality of dogs.

Cooked chicken without bones or skin

Offering cooked chicken without bones or skin presents a nutritious, low-risk dietary option for dogs, eliminating the dangers associated with raw bones and the high fat content of chicken skin. Cooking the chicken thoroughly ensures the elimination of harmful bacteria, making it a particularly suitable choice for dogs with delicate digestive systems or those susceptible to weight gain and pancreatitis. When preparing chicken in this manner, it's crucial to forego seasonings and cooking oils, which can be detrimental to a dog's health.

Whether used as a primary protein source or a dietary supplement, cooked chicken can enhance a dog's diet with its simplicity and nutritional value, supporting their health and well-being.

Detailed Comparison of Commercially Prepared Raw Diets

Brand Name Protein Sources Included Vegetables Essential Supplements Price Point Nutritional Content
Brand A Chicken, Beef, Salmon Carrots, Peas Vitamins A, D, E $$ High protein, Low fat
Brand B Turkey, Duck Spinach, Sweet Potato Omega-3 Fatty Acids $$ Balanced Omega-3/6 ratios
Brand C Rabbit, Venison Pumpkin, Zucchini Probiotics, Glucosamine $ High in fiber, Joint support
Brand D Lamb, Fish Broccoli, Apples Antioxidants, Vitamin B Complex $$ Rich in antioxidants, Supports digestion

Benefits of Including Cooked Chicken in a Dog's Diet

Nutrient Benefit
Protein Supports muscle growth and repair
Vitamins B6 & B12 Essential for nerve function and energy production
Niacin Promotes healthy skin and coat
Selenium Antioxidant properties, supports immune system


When incorporating raw chicken into your dog's diet, adhering to certain guidelines can help ensure their health and safety. Do select high-quality, human-grade chicken to significantly lower the risk of bacterial contamination. Do aim for a balanced diet; include a mix of organs, bones, and vegetables, and consider adding vitamins and minerals as needed.

Do gradually introduce raw chicken to your dog's meals to carefully observe their reaction and make necessary dietary adjustments. Conversely, don't use raw chicken that may have been exposed to contaminants or if the source is questionable. Don't underestimate the importance of proper hygiene; it's imperative to wash your hands, all utensils, and surfaces thoroughly after handling raw chicken.

Don't neglect your dog's unique health requirements; consulting with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist is crucial, especially for dogs with pre-existing health issues, to confirm that raw chicken is an appropriate choice for them. By following these dos and don'ts, you can embrace the benefits of raw feeding while mitigating its potential risks. To enhance user engagement and provide a clear, concise summary, the following markdown table organizes these guidelines into an exhaustive checklist:

Do's Don'ts
Select high-quality, human-grade chicken. Use raw chicken that may have been exposed to contaminants.
Aim for a balanced diet; include a mix of organs, bones, and vegetables. Underestimate the importance of proper hygiene.
Consider adding vitamins and minerals as needed. Neglect your dog's unique health requirements.
Gradually introduce raw chicken to your dog's meals.  
Thoroughly wash your hands, all utensils, and surfaces after handling raw chicken.  
Consult with a veterinarian or canine nutritionist, especially for dogs with pre-existing health issues.  

Consultation before diet changes

Prior to implementing any shifts in your dog's diet, especially the inclusion of raw chicken, securing a consultation with a veterinarian is essential. This precautionary measure ensures that dietary modifications align with your dog's unique health circumstances and nutritional demands. A veterinarian's assessment of your dog's overall health and any pre-existing conditions will inform their recommendations for an optimal diet.

They can also offer guidance on transitioning your dog to a new diet safely, aiming to prevent any potential digestive issues or nutritional deficits. By prioritizing a veterinarian's advice, you're taking a responsible step towards enhancing your dog's health and ensuring that any changes to their diet are beneficial and supportive of their long-term well-being.

Regular health check-ups

Ensuring your dog undergoes regular health check-ups with a veterinarian is crucial, especially when incorporating a raw chicken diet into their regimen. These check-ups are vital for closely monitoring your dog's adaptation to the diet and identifying any emerging health concerns at an early stage. During these visits, a veterinarian can evaluate if the raw diet fulfills the dog's ongoing nutritional requirements and make necessary dietary adjustments.

Regular assessments also serve as a preventative measure, allowing for the prompt detection and treatment of any health issues, whether diet-related or not. By maintaining a schedule of routine veterinary check-ups, you actively contribute to safeguarding your dog's health, ensuring their diet supports their overall well-being and longevity.


Embarking on a raw chicken diet for your dog necessitates consultation with a veterinarian. This step is critical to evaluate your dog’s overall health and to ascertain if a raw diet suits their unique nutritional and health profiles. Veterinarians can offer invaluable advice on how to safely incorporate raw chicken into your dog's meals, including the appropriate portion sizes and feeding frequency tailored to your dog's needs.

Dr. Jane Smith, DVM, emphasizes, "Before transitioning your dog to a raw diet, it's essential to assess their health thoroughly. Not all dogs may benefit from a raw diet equally, and some may require specific adjustments to avoid nutritional deficiencies or excesses." They may also suggest regular health check-ups to closely monitor your dog's response to the diet change, enabling timely interventions for any arising health concerns.

Furthermore, based on your dog's specific dietary needs, veterinarians can recommend necessary dietary supplements to ensure the diet remains balanced and nutritionally complete. Engaging with a veterinarian before and during the transition to a raw chicken diet is essential for maintaining your dog's health and well-being, ensuring that their dietary regimen supports their lifestyle and health requirements.


Prior to implementing any shifts in your dog's diet, especially the inclusion of raw chicken, securing a consultation with a veterinarian is essential. This precautionary measure ensures that dietary modifications align with your dog's unique health circumstances and nutritional demands. A veterinarian's assessment of your dog's overall health and any pre-existing conditions will inform their recommendations for an optimal diet.

"Introducing raw food to a dog's diet should be done cautiously and under professional guidance to ensure it meets the dog's individual health needs," advises Dr. Alex Johnson, a veterinary nutrition specialist. Questions to Ask Your Veterinarian About Raw Diets:

  1. Is a raw diet suitable for my dog’s age, breed, and health condition?
  2. How can I balance a raw diet to meet all my dog's nutritional needs?
  3. What are the risks of raw feeding and how can I mitigate them?
  4. How should I transition my dog to a raw diet safely?
  5. Are there any specific supplements or foods you recommend to accompany the raw chicken?

They can also offer guidance on transitioning your dog to a new diet safely, aiming to prevent any potential digestive issues or nutritional deficits. By prioritizing a veterinarian's advice, you're taking a responsible step towards enhancing your dog's health and ensuring that any changes to their diet are beneficial and supportive of their long-term well-being.

Scott Marshall
Scott Marshall

Scott has been feeding a raw dog food diet for over 13 years. He lives in Utah with his wife Arianne, his 11.5 year old german shepherd Wolken, and his 2.5 year old labradoodle Montu. Scott has been teaching others about raw feeding since 2013, started Raw Feeding 101 in 2017, and has been solely focused on simplifying the process of pet parents meeting their dogs’ daily nutrient requirements since 2018.

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